Become a member:
Abrigo survives solely thanks to those who believe in our work, and entrust with making the best use of all of our funding, solely for the benefit of each and every one of our rescue animals.
In order to become a member, you must pay an entry fee €3.00. The annual membership fee is €24.00, which can be paid monthly, every six months, or once per year.
Fill out the membership form and forward it to us on [email protected], along with proof of payment. After a few days, you’ll receive an email with your receipt and membership card. You will also receive monthly reports with our progress by email.
All members of Abrigo have access to special membership benefits with our partners.
Become a sponsor:
By sponsoring an animal, you'll be able to help them out and receive regular updates about them. All you need to do is choose one from the list, then pay €5.00 each month. This can be paid every month, or once for every three, six, or twelve month period.
To do so, fill out a sponsorship form and forward it to us on [email protected], along with proof of payment. As before, you'll receive monthly reports with our progress by email.
All sponsors of animals at Abrigo also have access to special membership benefits with our partners.
It is also possible to sponsor an animal's medical expenses.
Become a volunteer:
Abrigo is constantly in need of volunteers.
Volunteer work consists of cleaning of enclosures, washing and brushing of animals, preparing and giving food and medication, washing blankets, and other tasks like taking trips to the vet or conducting visits for people looking to adopt.
As a volunteer, it is essential that you make a commitment to take part regularly. To become a volunteer, fill out a volunteer form and forward it to us on [email protected].